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IQ Test - Sie Ihre Intelligenzquotient [Intelligenztest]

Gratis IQ Test – Wie intelligent sind Sie? IQ Tester - wie gut sind Sie im analytischen Denken und im logischen Schlussfolgern? Mit Hilfe der IQ-Tests können sie annähernd verlässlich ermitteln, wie hoch Ihr Intelligenzquotient ist. --------------...
Donnerstag, 03. März 2016, 05:19 Uhr

Über IQ Test - Sie Ihre Intelligenzquotient [Intelligenztest]

Gratis IQ Test – Wie intelligent sind Sie?
IQ Tester - wie gut sind Sie im analytischen Denken und im logischen Schlussfolgern? Mit Hilfe der IQ-Tests können sie annähernd verlässlich ermitteln, wie hoch Ihr Intelligenzquotient ist.

Note: Application is fully localized to GERMAN, Spanish, English and Russian Languages
Would you like to know your IQ level?
Would you want to know who of celebrities is closer to your intelligence?
Also, you may find out that you belong to 2% of people with the highest IQ level.
Let’s find out our intellectual age and measure our IQ level (Intelligence Quotient)!

IQ pro is a professional application that implements the culture-free testing method of IQ level that is based on R. Cattell.
Experts consider this method as one of the most accurate and reliable in the world. The test results do not depend on your knowledge, experience, culture, or nationality.

Using this application you can:

- Get tested your IQ level with detailed explanations and instructions.
- Find out your intellectual age.
- Find out who of celebrities is closer to your IQ.
- Get the result in a form of number from 50 to 160, which is your IQ.
- Test also your friends and relatives.
- Manage a convenient database of results (for professionals: psychologists, human resource managers, and so on).
- Review the response errors after testing is completed.
- Use this application to test new employees for a job.

Please, read FAQ in the application to find out how you can use the testing in the real life.
Also, write your feedback about the application in the AppStore and get an additional testing for free.

Application is fully localized to German, Spanish, English and Russian language

Please notice!
If you have any questions regarding this application, please contact us through the feedback form on our website iq.iapps.ru/.
When you ask a question through the feedback about the application, we are not able technically to answer you.




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