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Download of Chopper

Chopper is a thrilling helicopter game. You control the helicopter in the side view. Your goal is to complete various missions and return to base. The difficulty of the missions increases with the number of successfully completed missions. With each mission your enemies are stronger and more powerful and come up with weapons, such as tanks and jet planes to take you under fire.
Since version 1.1 Chopper is no longer freeware. But witch the Puplication of Version 2 in MacAppStore there is also the version 1.2.6 as freeware, we offer you therefore to download. The latest version of Chopper can be reached via the website link or the MacAppStore.

To download this Software please click here



You've chosen Chopper, you can download it on the developer page itself. Free Mac Software provides several Links to external services where you can download the Software you've choosen, Free Mac Software itself does not provide any downloads. Please click the given link on the left side to get redirected to the page where you can download the software.


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