Sobre% {título}
Browse Google's maps, find out where you are, search the map, manage your bookmarks like a pro, use location-based reminders and see what people tweet around you with Maps+ for iPhone and iPad.
- Browse Google's online maps: normal, satellite, terrain and hybrid. Explore places, 3D buildings, indoor floor plans, Street View and check live traffic conditions where available.
- Find out and continuously track where you are. Tap on your current location to get more info about your location fix: coordinates, horizontal accuracy, altitude and vertical accuracy (available on devices with GPS).
- Search the map with the help of autocomplete. See results featured based on their ratings and continuously being updated based on your current view of the map. Order the results in a list based on rating, distance and name.
- Add quickly a new bookmark by long-pressing the map. Tap and drag the pin to move it. Choose a colored pin for the bookmark, or hide it from the map. Organize your bookmarks by adding labels to them. Export to and import from GPX your bookmarks.
- See your incomplete location-based reminders on the map and edit them. Create new reminders for any location. Location-based reminders are tightly integrated with the Reminders app.
- See what people tweet around you publicly on Twitter with the ability to filter the tweets. See geotagged tweets from your home and mentions timelines on the map.
- Supports 37 languages and VoiceOver (for blinds and people having low vision).
Maps+ is free to try out, however there are limitations that can be unlocked with a one-time in-app purchase. We are convinced that you will love Maps+, will find it very useful and will unlock these limitations sooner or later. These limitations are:
- Bookmarks are limited to 3.
- Importing bookmarks from GPX is disabled.
- Twitter home timeline, mentions timeline and search query is disabled.